Wedding Gift Lists – asking for gifts or money
Even though many wedding guests (and even those who cannot attend) will want to buy the happy couple a gift, it can be tricky knowing how to go about asking your guests for items that you’d actually like. Traditionally, a couple getting wed would be very young with very little money and only just setting up home together. Times have changed; we’re marrying later, living together before marriage, and saving up before getting married. But, it can just seem rude to ask guests outright for gifts of items that you haven’t already got, or items that you’d like to receive. So what do you do? Wedding gift lists are commonplace now, and in this blog post we will take a look at the options available to you that won’t mean your guests are offended or feel pressured into buying something they can’t afford. We will look at wedding gift lists, charitable donations, ways of politely asking for money, and ways...