Love Local

Love Local

I’m an avid supporter of ‘keeping it local’ and will do what I can to support local businesses. I know full well that the old saying ‘use it or lose it’ truly applies to local businesses. We are lucky to have in our village a village shop, a post office and a very charming florists. I will use all of these whenever I need those services rather than schlepping to the nearest supermarket. And I enjoy being a part of that. But this isn’t a blog post about local business. It is a blog post about vintage items with a local twist however. We are fortunate enough to have a well in our back garden. We discovered it completely by accident when installing a fish pond. Digging in the ground, we found a row of bricks and further investigation showed that they lead round in a big circle. We dug out as much as we could, and got very deep before the...
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Usually Unusual

Usually Unusual

While out shopping this weekend, I couldn’t resist and bought a few new items. As usual, these were unusual! Vintage Partyware can now offer a swan ice sculpture (yes that’s what I bought; well a mould) and two large glass lanterns. I don’t know where my love of all things ‘different’ comes from, but I can honestly say that I’ve never liked the ‘norm’! And this got me thinking - why do we have a ‘norm’? Every single person who has ever lived, or ever will live, is unique. Even identical twins. You are truly ‘one of a kind’. So am I. Everyone knows that we share the usual bits and pieces that most of us have in common, such as certain essential body parts, but the similarity ends there. Everything you have experienced in life has made you what and who you are. You learned things others did not while they were learning things that you did not. Yet we...
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A New Start

A New Start

As you may have (but probably not) read in the Lynn News, Vintage Partyware is somewhat of a new start for me. The future seemed bleak after dislocating two vertebrae and trapping a nerve (the sheathes of my vertebrae are still embedded in the nerve and I can tell you, that’s painful). It’s been nearly two years since I first did this and nearly a year since I left work. Despite all the pain killers and hospital visits, my little business is on the up. The idea for the business really did come about because of a wedding I attended and the fact that I’ve been collecting vintage items for many years. I love vintage items and I’ve never been able to resist buying something I like. That’s also the reason why we have so much to offer! All items are in top notch condition because I wouldn’t have liked them otherwise and therefore wouldn’t have bought them. And it’s good...
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