Love Local
I’m an avid supporter of ‘keeping it local’ and will do what I can to support local businesses. I know full well that the old saying ‘use it or lose it’ truly applies to local businesses. We are lucky to have in our village a village shop, a post office and a very charming florists. I will use all of these whenever I need those services rather than schlepping to the nearest supermarket. And I enjoy being a part of that.
But this isn’t a blog post about local business.
It is a blog post about vintage items with a local twist however. We are fortunate enough to have a well in our back garden. We discovered it completely by accident when installing a fish pond. Digging in the ground, we found a row of bricks and further investigation showed that they lead round in a big circle. We dug out as much as we could, and got very deep before the...